Course Code :ECO - 01
Course Title : Business Organisation Assignment
Code : ECO – 01/TMA/2016-17
Coverage : All Blocks Maximum Marks: 100
Attempt all the questions.
1. What are the essential requisites of an ideal form of business organization? Explain the criteria for the selection of the form of organisation.
2. Differentiate between the following:
(a) Commerce and Industry
(b) Wholesalers and Retailers
(c) Public limited Company and Co-operative Organisation
(d) Primary Market and Secondary Market
3. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Listing of a security on a stock exchange
(b) Insurable business risk
(c) Warehousing
(d) Development Bank
4 What is channel of distribution? Discuss various factors which influence the choice of channel of distribution.
5. (a) What is stock exchange? Explain its various functions.
(b) “There is no difference between money market and capital market”. Comment upon the statement.